airTReco for Environment

Industrial Purification, Pollutiant Abatement and Environmental Sustainability

Since ever human livelihood needs of many kinds of activity but some of that has a very high environmental impact on the air quality. Because of that, born a priority environmental and sanitary issue that must be face and solve, now more than ever.

That's why airTReco is born: a team of industrial professionals with complementary knowledge and knowhow that decided to work together to find a solution for atmospheric pollution coming from industrial activities

Our goal si to move the focus on environment with economic sustainability and radically change the point of view considering the pollutant not as a special waste but as a economic resource.

That's what concretely produced our commitment since 1996:

More than 200 purification plants

For environment: 3.2 mln/Tons of pollutant abatement

For customers: 9.4 thousand GigaW energy produced at zero impact

Be part of airTReco world: You will pollute less and will earn more money.


Your pollutant is a resource!
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