airTReco 's plant for industrial purification

Top custom solutions for every kind of activity and needs

airTReco 's regenerative plants are very suitable with every kind of plant and service. Plants for every kind of field and production sort were made in the last 30 years, accumulating experience everywhere in the world.

Starting point for every new project is the analysis of following information:

  1. Production field.
  2. Type of Pollutant.
  3. Purification flow rate.
  4. Flow temperature
  5. Plant's energy need.

Joining these technical datas with your requests we can find e supply the best solution within the best price for you and your company. In fact our plants can guarantee and reach the best performaces besides converting your special pollutant into a precious economic resource.

airTreco's technologies are setted to recover the heating coming from your pollutant burning and use it as advantage where you think is better, covering part or whole of your energetic needs of production or service.

That's not only an instant cost saving or environmental impact reduction: the growth of margin profit and positive image feedback will place you into an advantage position against your direct competitors anabling you to beat them

Up today the airTReco 's plants generate at zero costs more than 9.4 thousand GigaW of energy: your airTReco plant can start to do it and give a U-turn to your business too


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Your pollutant is a resource!
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